A new photo each day from the past or present. A simple place to showcase my favorite hobby - photography. Most are shot with my Canon DSLRs.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
First day of summer/unemployment
Happy Summer teachers!
Monday, June 28, 2010
School's out for summer!

I never thought of why we have summer vacation but someone did and wrote and article about it. If your interested here it is: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1816501,00.html
Sunday, June 27, 2010
On a hot day...
Last year, I went sledding for the first time ever! A few teachers and I went to Riverside Park where the Parks Department supplied sleds and hot chocolate on the snow day. It was a great day. I had so much fun, and didn't mind the cold - a first for me! I am normally the first one to complain about the cold and snow but not that day. Definitely one of my favorite days in NYC thus far!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Dealing with the loss

I went straight to Staples to get a file box and files. I just brought home TONS of material from school I've collected over the past couple of years. It has become scattered in piles over the apartment, but it is no more. I labeled and color coded and collected all in one place now.
I enjoy composing pictures with long lines in them. It feeds into my compulsive need to be organized. My first photography project was a collection of these type of photos. I think that was one of the first times I realized my compulsion. If I have work to do, I have to clean first or I can't focus. But now that I've started the organizing process, I feel better after our World Cup loss and am looking forward to the summer!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Another thing that has become bittersweet to me is visiting Florida. This picture was taken at the beautiful Florida Aquarium this spring. I remember when it opened and the many trips I took with my family there. The greatest thing about this trip to the aquarium was going with my coworker and her family. Her daughter was the same age as me when I first visited the aquarium. It was WONDERFUL. I LOVE going back to Florida but it makes me miss it SO much more. Being at the beach with the warm sun in comfortable and familiar surroundings reminds me of how alien I feel most of the time here in New York. There are very few places where I feel comfortable and am familiar with. I feel that way with MUCH of Florida.
There's no moving back to Florida right now though, only new opportunities here in New York. Looking up and out now.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thinking of Arkansas
Now my parents have moved in with my grandmother to help take care of her and be near the family. The family dynamics have changed a lot but this beautiful creek still runs through the property. My cousin will fish in it still. We can take 4 wheelers across the creek now - no more horses since my grandfather died. A whole new generation of Reeds is growing up around Northwest Arkansas. They don't get to use the creek and horses like we used to, but hopefully that will change and they will take pride in what our grandparents (they're great grandparents) built and contributed to Northwest Arkansas. I know I do.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Success & Passion
This photo was also part of my digital photography project. It was simply entitled Water. I compiled all the photographs I had taken of water. I had captured water in many different forms - moving, still, ice, gas, liquid. I found a way to combine two of my favorite things in the world - photography and water. It was a great feeling. I remember hanging my photos up on the wall with the rest of my classmates (most of whom were art majors) and feeling accomplished, not scared of what they were going to say during the critique - a very different feeling for me that semester. My first photography class became such a community that I looked forward to showing them my new prints week to week for critiques but this class wasn't that way and I was nervous. I still remember the amazement my professor expressed in my work. He hadn't seen any of it because I changed my project at the very last minute and was furiously printing after hours. His best comment to me was about how he could see my passion for the work in this project unlike the one I was forcing myself to do earlier in the semester.
As I am coming to this minor crossroad in my life (I resigned from teaching today), I am evaluating my passions so I can choose my next path. Which way will I go? Maybe I'll look to the photographs...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sharks have changed little in form and function for the past several millions of years. They are perfectly evolved for their underwater hunting lifestyle. Sleek, powerful, intelligent creatures that fulfill many different roles in marine ecosystems - some are scavengers, top carnivores, or even omnivores. Most shark species are less than a foot long. More people are killed by soda vending machines than sharks each year.
Chances are if you made it to the beach ok, you'll return to your car at the end of the day in one piece. Just be smart people and don't swim at down and dusk (this is when most sharks feed) or where people are fishing (blood attracts sharks). Enjoy the beach. Be excited when you see wildlife like fish, sharks, dolphins, birds, etc - they are beautiful aspects of nature!
Monday, June 21, 2010
First Day Of Summer
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A couple of busy days!

One thing I did notice was the plethora of DSLR cameras! Lots of Cannons around and getting abused. I hope their photos turned out as great as mine. This is from the table setting for dinner. I'm not legally allowed to post the photos of my students, so I sent them all to them this morning. I'm sure they'll be making appearances on facebook and such.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Cloudy day
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Old & New

New York is full of so many places that exemplify this dichotomy, most of us don't even pay attention to it when we see it because it is such a normal thing here, but tomorrow as you are walking home or to work, take some time to appreciate this - it's a rare thing!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Gizmodo Shooting Challenge
Like most of my older photos it was just taken with my old point and shoot camera. This was early morning (around 7 am if I remember correctly) within an hour of landing in Auckland, NZ (yes, we're going there again today). I knew it was going to be an amazing trip if this was one of the first things I saw on the trip.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a new picture to post - I'm planning on taking my camera with me to Riverside Park to take pictures before/after pilates.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
On a mundane day...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010

In honor of Friday, I'm posting a celebratory picture. HAPPY FRIDAY!
This picture is almost five years old now, but still one of my favorites, mainly because of the subject matter - Fireworks. I LOVE watching fireworks and trying to capture them with pictures. It is quite a challenge in timing.
This particular firework is part of the Illuminations show at Walt Disney World's EPCOT. Growing up in Florida, it was a regular occurrence to go to one of the Disney parks, but getting to stay for the fireworks was always a rare treat. We always wanted to beat the crowds out and would normally leave. However, during the summer of 2005 I worked at Walt Disney World's Yacht & Beach Club Resort and saw most of the Illuminations show every night I worked. I completely memorized the show within a month. As an employee, I received free entry for myself and had a few extra tickets by the end of the summer. On one of my days off I traveled to the park with a few friends and took this picture from within the park.
I still enjoy watching fireworks and trying to capture them in photographs, but this still remains one of my favorites. Disney Parks offer world class fireworks shows and beautiful viewing opportunities from many vantage points. I have yet to see a show that even begins to rival the ones they do on a nightly basis.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Inaugural Post

After our walk we went to the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory under the bridge and then walked over to the park and relaxed. This is where this picture came from. We were sitting on the stairs people watching and passing the camera back and forth and chatting about our upcoming summer plans.
The day turned into a wonderful afternoon together and we managed to get some great pictures of the bridge and the skyline. This has also turned into one of our favorite things to do on a nice day in the city. If you haven't done it already - DO IT! There's a reason so many tourists do it on their trips to the city and people take the bridge to and from work everyday.
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