Friday, September 23, 2011

Aquarium Interactions

One of my favorite things about the Ocean Voyager tank at Georgia Aquarium (besides the whale sharks, mantas, and tons of other beautiful creatures) is the sheer size of it. The HUGE viewing window allows visitors to almost interact with the fish swimming by. They can get eye to eye with sharks and rays. It not only gives you a sense of scale of these amazing creatures but I get to watch faces light up when a huge manta comes gliding by. This is where conservation and appreciation of nature starts.

I could sit in front of this window all day. There was also a family who was in there for a very long time. The 2 boys had one of the fish guides in hand and followed sharks and rays back and forth across the window the entire time I was there. Another boy was always spread his hands wide and watched as the fish swam past his outstretched arms.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tropical Diver Tank @Georgia Aquarium

About 25% of this wall is live coral. This takes extraorindary amounts of care to keep alive and beautiful. There is a sky light above the tank as well as UV lights. 6000 gallons of water dump into the tank every 2 minutes to keep the water aerated. They also have to feed the corals plankton & add calcium and other minerals to the water to help the corals grow.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

This is the most patriotic picture I've ever taken. In NYC, we are forced to remember today for better or for worse.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Stables on the Hill at Sunset

I was busy planning with my cousin's son and sent Ben out to take photos of the Stables on the Hill. He did a great job.